The flight on a Boeing 767 was uneventful, landing in a grey, cool Manchester forty minutes early. James rendezvoused happily with his mother and Oksy and I rendezvoused happily with our Hoylake taxi which whizzed us along the M56 and M53 so that we were home before 8:45 am. The house smelt musty and unloved, so we opened windows and put the heating on at the same time. Oksy has made toast and tea and so proper domestic smells are starting to permeate the house. We have pulled the computer our of hiding and plugged everything back in ... and it works, thank goodness.
The garden looks deceptively lovely as it sort of rises above a carpet of green weeds. The lilac is blooming, and so are the bluebells. The pansies and bellis I put out just before I left at the end of March are flowering quite frantically. My South African daisy bush has fallen over, but is nevertheless covered in flowers. The rhubarb looks promising. Everything looks healthy! I can't wait to get my hands onto it all.
Chicago was quite green at the time of our departure, but how much greener our own North West England in the full flush of growth in early May. I feasted my eyes all the way home from the airport.
The end.
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