There is an air of TGIF in Kate and Chidi's home today. We are all looking forward to the weekend and have plans for various expeditions south of Tucson. Freya and I have just seen Zaria, Chidi and Kate out of the door, and Freya, who seems to have a touch of conjunctivitis (we are all on a tight regime of hand washing!), is staying with me for today, while the guys with the sore behinds are taking it slow and easy this morning! Later Freya and I will cut out some more cookies and Freya will decorate them with sprinkles and almonds.
Just for now, Freya is occupying herself with a shopping bag full of soft toys. We have fully discussed the behaviour of the little pink pig who apparently was responsible for various naughtinesses yesterday (taking the sharp scissors out of the drawer, running away with Zaria's favourite book etc). Currently, she is stroking a pink fluffy elephant under the dining table, making snoring noises, and I am sipping my coffee looking out at my favourite orange tree and listening to the busy birds. As soon as the sun warms, the orange blossom is alive with worker bees, and I wish I knew where they come from as I would look for the honey. Speaking of honey, the special honey of this area is the Mesquite honey. The Honey Mesquite is a drought-tolerant, medium, scrubby tree native to SW Arizona and Northern Mexico, with feathery leaves and yellow blossom from March to November. Its wild honey is pale gold and especially nice. Jean, Kate's very ancient, and partially sighted aunt, with her own hands, carefully decanted a jarful for me from the big plastic containers she has delivered from a local man, urging me to include wild honey in my diet as the best antidote to allergies and dust irritations.
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