Eventually we got going. We waited for James to check the web to see if he had been offered a place at any of the US universities he had applied to. Soon the news came: an offer from Princeton with a good package. We performed a group hug of collective happiness and relief. So with a spring in our steps we set off to do a 3.3 mile walk around historic Tucson, using Kate's Arizona Guidebook which has the walking route mapped and described. You would think with the grid system, we could not go wrong: wrong, we could go wrong. We trailed around some of the important sights, but lost our way after a while. Eventually we lucked on the Tucson Visitor Centre, where the helpful information staff gave us loads of leaflets, information and most importantly a better, more detailed map. Armed with this we made an early stop to have cold drinks, and then went by the Cathedral, which is an utterly charming Hispanic building with four palm trees lined up in front. Then we made our way under the railway track to hippy Fourth Avenue, where James supplied himself with some cool shades. We got back to the house around 17:00 to find Kate and Freya busy in the kitchen. Soon afterwards, Zaria and Chidi came in.
Our evening has been a happy chaos of reading stories to the girls, evening baths, Margharitas in the garden, and discussion of James's academic dilemma! We are resolved on an early night. The lads are tired, and I am a bit tired too.
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